Top Five Facts About Baseball in Spanish

baseball in spanish

Baseball, known as beisbol in Spanish-speaking countries, is a sport that transcends borders and languages. Whether you are an avid fan or just learning about the game, understanding some of the key terms and structures can make your enjoyment of baseball even more rich and rewarding. These top five facts about baseball in spanish will help you get started and impress your friends during the next game!

1. What is the pitcher called in Spanish?

In the game of baseball, the pitcher is referred to in Spanish as “el lanzador.” The word “lanzador” comes from the verb lanzar, meaning “to throw,” perfectly reflecting his/her role in the game. The catcher, on the other hand, is referred to as “receptor” in Spanish, which translates to “to receive.” This makes perfect sense given that their primary job is to catch all pitches thrown by the lanzador and support him/her throughout the game.

2. What is the name of the first base?

In the game of baseball, first base is referred to as “la inicial” in Spanish. This simple translation makes it easy for anyone to understand what the position means in Spanish. This is a useful fact to know when talking about the game with a friend who happens to be fluent in Spanish or when you are watching a professional baseball match in a Latin American country! Keep this list in mind and practice by translating some of these common baseball positions at home so that you can feel confident chatting about the game when you’re in the company of people who are fluent in Spanish.