Major League Baseball Team Names

Major League Baseball has over 200 team names. There are many nicknames and monikers associated with Major League Baseball. Some teams have even won championships. And when those championships come with a name, it only makes them taste that much sweeter. Here are a few names that might catch your eye. Read on to learn more about baseball names. And if you can’t think of a baseball name, just consider these:

The names of some baseball players have interesting stories, too. One famous player with an interesting name was named Grant. In his off-season, Doby called him “ugly as a Mississippi mudcat.” Another memorable player with a quirky nickname was Thomas P. “Oyster” Burns, who sold oysters during his career. He played 15 seasons in the MLB and had a.300 career batting average. In a similar vein, Antonio “El Pulpo” Alfonseca was nicknamed after a sailor and pitched for the Florida Marlins.

In addition to their names, some teams have nicknames based on their location. Many fans call their team The Rags, a play on words. The Astros, meanwhile, are sometimes called the South Oklahoma Rangers, a reference to a small town near the Oklahoma border. The Blue Jays, meanwhile, are nicknamed after blue jays, which were the team’s traditional mascot. Blue Hyays, a Spanish-language slang for Blue Jays, is also a common nickname. If a team plays poorly, the name is used to insult the players.