Buying Guide to Baseball Hats

baseball hats

Whether you are an avid fan of MLB or are just looking for the perfect accessory to complement your outfit, baseball hats offer both practical and fashionable benefits. These caps not only protect your eyes from the harsh glare of sunlight, which can cause long-term vision damage, but they also help to regulate body temperature and keep you cool during hot weather.

Typically made from cotton, cotton blends, wool, jersey mesh, polyester and more, baseball hats are available in a variety of fabrics that can be manipulated to suit a specific style or function. For instance, brushed cotton is a soft fabric that has been brushed repeatedly, while cotton twill has a slight sheen and durable texture that’s lighter than brushed cotton.

The shape of a baseball cap can differ, too. Structured hats are those that feature a rigid, support fabric inside their crowns, allowing them to hold their shape even if crumpled. This is a popular baseball hat style that is often worn by professional players. Unstructured hats, on the other hand, feature front and back panels that are not supported. This style is ideal for embroidered or screen-printed designs because it’s flat on the front.

If you want to keep your hands free while watching the game, a strapback baseball hat is an ideal choice. This style is characterized by its adjustable strap in the back rather than the strip of plastic snaps found on a standard baseball cap. Strapback hats can be worn with a wide range of casual looks, from a T-shirt dress to skinny jeans and sneakers.