Differences Between Baseball and Softball

There are many differences between baseball and softball, but the two sports share the same historical roots. Although the two games are similar in appearance, their pitches are different and softballs’ bases are farther apart. This means that softballs tend to have faster players, while baseballs are more suited for longer players. If you are deciding between the two, here are some of the differences between them. You should also take into account the playing field.

baseball vs softball

First of all, the playing field is a big difference between baseball and softball. Softball fields are much smaller than baseball fields. Bases are typically 60 feet apart in softball, while bases in baseball are 90 feet apart. In addition, the distance from home plate to the outfield fence is usually over 300 yards. As a result, the rules of stealing bases are different between the two games. The differences are subtle, but worth mentioning nonetheless.

Baseball pitchers need to follow gravity, while softball pitchers have to fight it. The low release point in softballs allows the ball to move upwards. Major league pitchers can pitch as fast as ninety miles per hour, and their home plate is fifty-five feet away. In comparison, fastpitch softball pitches must be pitched at seventy miles per hour, so the batter has less than 50 seconds to react.