MLB 2010 Zenyatta Updates

Baseball season is winding down and the 2010 World Series has come to a close, but one champion Thoroughbred hasn’t left us yet: our friend Zenyatta. Whether she’s gracing billboards for the LA Dodgers or mixing it up with the media at Churchill Downs, Zenyatta has captured hearts and imaginations. She’s the kind of horse that racing fans can love and get behind, and I’m hoping her popularity can help bring some new people to the sport.

Zenyatta’s Orb of Harmony now heals for a shorter duration, and the cooldown has been reduced from six to five seconds. The Orb’s chime sound may take inspiration from Baoding balls, which are also known as Chinese medicine balls and have been used for centuries to promote health and wellbeing.

Discord Orb’s time to wear off when out of line-of-sight has been increased from three to five seconds, and the ability can no longer be reapplied to the same target for seven seconds after it expires. This change should make it harder for players to escape the effects of Discord Orb and encourage more tactical play around its application.

Zenyatta’s ult has been improved to reflect her omnic monk background. Her primary fire now launches multiple orb projectiles at enemies, while the secondary fire allows her to charge a powerful pitch that deals damage and slows enemies in its path. The new ult also has a visual indicator that shows when a pitch is about to land.